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As Storm Ciarán looms on the UK’s horizon, businesses, especially fencing companies, have a unique opportunity. Storms often bring a wave of emergency repair needs, including fences battered by harsh winds and falling debris. This is a crucial time to optimise your Google Ads for fencing company services, as people will be actively searching for fast and reliable solutions.

While the storm’s approach isn’t good news, it does present a crucial moment for fencing companies to step in and offer their services. This is where having a well-optimised Google Ads strategy comes into play.

If you’re running a fencing company and wondering how to tailor your Google Ads for Storm Ciarán, you’re in the right place.

Google Ads For Fencing Company Tips:

Update Your Keywords and Ad Copy

When a major event like Storm Ciarán occurs, updating your Google Ads’ ad copy becomes absolutely essential. Your potential customers aren’t just searching for general fence repairs; they’re dealing with the immediate and specific problem that the storm has caused. Mentioning Storm Ciarán in your ad copy makes your ads hyper-relevant to their situation. Use attention-grabbing attention phrases like

  • Post-Storm Ciarán Fence Repairs
  • Storm Ciarán Emergency Fencing Services

However, it’s crucial not to overlook those who may be using more generic search terms. While the storm is top of mind for many, others might simply type in ’emergency fence repairs’ or ‘urgent fence fixing’ without specifying the cause. To cater to this audience, consider running parallel ad campaigns or expanding your keyword list to include more general but still urgent phrases like:

  • Immediate Emergency Fence Repairs
  • 24/7 Urgent Fencing Solutions

Balancing both storm-specific and generic ad copy gives you the best of both worlds. It ensures you’re directly addressing the immediate needs of those impacted by Storm Ciarán, while also casting a wider net to catch others who may need emergency repairs but aren’t using the storm’s name in their search queries.

Keep a close eye on performance metrics like click-through and conversion rates for both sets of keywords. This will provide valuable insights into where your budget is being most effectively used and where your services are most urgently required, allowing for real-time adjustments to maximise returns.

Increase Google Ads Budget for Your Fencing Company

When a major event like Storm Ciarán is on the horizon, or has recently swept through the area, search volumes related to fence repairs are likely to spike dramatically. People are going to be looking for immediate solutions to mend fences that have been damaged or destroyed. This increased search volume translates to a higher number of potential customers searching for services just like yours, making it a prime opportunity for your fencing company to capture more business.

Given this surge in demand, one smart strategy is to consider increasing the budget for your Google Ads campaigns. Why?

  • With more people searching, there’s likely to be more competition among advertisers for those coveted top spots on the Google search results page
  • A higher budget allows you to bid more aggressively, ensuring your ads remain visible and attractive to potential customers.

This is not just about capturing more clicks, but about capturing highly relevant clicks that are more likely to convert into actual jobs for your business.

But it’s not just about throwing money at your campaigns; it’s about spending wisely. Make sure to monitor your campaigns closely during this period. Track key metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates to ensure that your increased investment is actually leading to valuable customer interactions.

By ramping up your Google Ads budget intelligently during times of high demand, you give your fencing company the best chance to maximise revenue and grow your customer base when people need your services the most.

Storm damage

Landing Page Optimisation for Fencing Services

An effective Google Ads campaign for a fencing company shouldn’t just end with a click; it should lead potential customers to a landing page that is equally effective in converting that traffic into leads or sales. Particularly in the aftermath of an event like Storm Ciarán, your landing page must echo the urgency and specific services mentioned in your ads.

  1. Highlight your storm repair services prominently. Given that visitors are likely coming from an ad focused on post-Storm Ciarán repairs, they’ll want to see that same message reinforced as soon as they land on your page. This will help maintain consistency and reassure the customer that they are in the right place.
  2. Include compelling calls-to-actions (CTAs) that align with the customer’s needs at that moment. If your fencing company offers quick assessments or emergency appointments, make that clear with CTAs like “Book Your Emergency Repair Now” or “Get a Fast, Free Quote on Storm Repairs.” These CTAs should be easy to find and should stand out visually on the page.
  3. Showcase Your Experience. Use a section or banner to highlight your track record in storm damage repairs. Statements like, “Trusted by over 1,000 homeowners for storm damage repairs in the last decade,” can help build trust and confidence in your services.
  4. Incorporate Social Proof. Place testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers, especially those whom you’ve assisted during previous storms, on your landing page. This serves as real-world evidence of your expertise and reliability.
  5. Emergency Contact Information. Feature your emergency contact details, such as a hotline number, prominently at the top of your landing page. This allows those in urgent need to quickly reach out, while reinforcing your readiness to assist.

By ensuring your landing page is optimised in this way, you not only make it easier for potential customers to take the next step, but you also increase the chances of your Google Ads campaign achieving a higher conversion rate.

Use Google Ads Location Targeting

Geo-targeting your Google Ads to zero in on areas most affected by Storm Ciarán can be a game-changer for your fencing company. In the aftermath of a major storm, certain locations are inevitably hit harder than others, leading to a surge in demand for repair services in those specific areas.

By adjusting your Google Ads settings to focus on these high-need zones, you’re essentially tailoring your advertising to meet urgent, localised demand. This not only makes your ads significantly more relevant to those who see them, but it also increases the likelihood of conversion.

People in hard-hit areas are already actively searching for quick and reliable fence repair services. When they see an ad that specifically mentions their situation—like Storm Ciarán—and is targeted to their location, the connection is instant. They’re more likely to click on your ad and take the next step, be it a call, an email, or a form submission.

Geo-targeting in this manner allows you to make the most of your advertising budget, ensuring that you’re not wasting clicks—and money—on areas where the demand for your services is low or non-existent. It’s a focused, efficient approach that helps to boost both visibility and conversions, making it a key strategy in maximising the ROI of your Google Ads campaigns.

Implement Google Ads Extensions

Leveraging ad extensions (now called assets) can add a layer of depth and functionality to your Google Ads, making them more than just a clickable headline and description. Especially when you’re dealing with a situation like the aftermath of Storm Ciarán, providing additional avenues for customer engagement can be invaluable.

  • Callout extensions: Use these to highlight the fact that your fencing company offers 24/7 emergency service. This is a key selling point for people who are dealing with the stress and inconvenience of storm-damaged fencing and are searching for immediate solutions. Seeing “24/7 Service” directly in the ad reassures them that help is available at all times, increasing the likelihood of them taking action.
  • Site link extensions: These could be used to lead potential customers to a specific page on your website that details your emergency fence repair services. This saves the user the time of navigating through your site and takes them directly to the information they’re looking for, thereby improving user experience and the chances of conversion.

By providing these additional touchpoints directly within the ad, you’re making it easier for potential customers to find the information they need and take action. Whether it’s a phone call, a page visit, or a form submission, these ad extensions facilitate a smoother, more engaging user journey from the search query to conversion.

Need Help with Google Ads for Your Fencing Company?

If you’re considering setting up Google Ads for your fencing company, or if your current campaigns need a bit of weather-proofing, SMEketing is here to help. Our experience in managing Google Ads for fencing companies can ensure your campaigns are both effective and efficient. Additionally, if you’re unable to update your website, we offer landing page services to ensure your Google Ads direct traffic to a high-converting page.

Contact us today and let’s fortify your Google Ads strategy as effectively as you fortify fences.
