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Did you know 97% of website users never return to the same website? That’s right. When prospective customers click on your Google Ad, they only do so once. Worse still, only 2% of consumers convert on their first visit.

Marketers may wish consumers who expressed interest went on to make a sale – life isn’t so simple, however. What’s needed is a Google Ads campaign to go after those who’ve already visited your site or viewed your products; after all, these interested consumers are far more likely to purchase a product or service than the general audience who sees your ad.

That’s where Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RSLA) come in.

What is RSLA?

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RSLA) is a feature of Google Ads that targets visitors who have previously visited your site. Using this list of visitors, you could show an ad for a product they viewed or a more general ad about your company if you tracked them browsing your about page.

You’ve probably experienced Google Ad remarketing ads before. If you’ve ever seen an ad for a product you viewed only hours before and wondered, “how do they know?” – RSLA is the answer.

Once you create an audience list, it’s as simple as adding it to the audience report within the Google Ads platform.

RSLA Audience List

Why is RSLA important?

Creating an RSLA helps marketers target audiences primed to purchase your product or service. Rather than seeking new visitors who may or may not be interested in your products, you know these individuals were interested enough to previously visit your site.

Using RSLA, you are able to target these users more proactively – increasing your bids to ensure you’re showing your ads to people you know are already familiar with your brand.

Here are some jaw-dropping remarketing stats:

  • In one study, retargeting led to an average lift of 1,046% (Yes! You read that right.)
  • Retargeting can increase ad engagement by 400%
  • A single remarketing campaign may lead to an uptick in conversion rate by up to 161%
  • Retargeting campaigns perform 10x better than regular display or banner ads
  • 65% of consumers like online ads displaying products they viewed on a previous site

Best practices for RSLA campaigns

1. Harness demographic data

Know thy audience! Understanding the demographic data behind your marketing can lead to a significant uptick in user interactions. For example, if your prime audience is women over 55, combining your remarketing efforts on this demographic will likely yield the greatest result.

That’s not to say you want to pour all your efforts into a single demographic – that might be too reductionist. However, adjusting your bids to lean towards your target audience can have an outsized impact on the effectiveness of your RSLA campaigns.

2. Bid for broad terms

Broad search terms tend to be more competitive and expensive because they cover a wider category. For example, “headphones” is a broad search term, as opposed to “wireless blue headphones.” Usually, going after such search terms is more costly than its worth. However, when you only target individuals in your RSLA, it suddenly becomes a viable option – the money spent is likely to result in a conversion.

You can even be a little cheeky.

Bidding on your competitor’s brand name, for instance, can steal customers away, boosting your sales in the process. All’s fair in love and marketing! Just make sure you don’t use your competitor’s brand name in your adverts.

Bidding on your competitor’s brand name, for instance, can steal customers away, boosting your sales in the process. All’s fair in love and marketing! Just make sure you don’t use your competitor’s brand name in your adverts.

3. Target your ad copy

Wording your ad copy is critical to taking full advantage of a remarketing campaign. Ensure the action you wish the consumer to take is front and centre in the ad – be it buying a product, hiring your services, or subscribing to your email list.

That’s not the only way to target your ad copy. Consider where the consumer visited as they explored your website. For example, if they browsed your pricing page, sharing an advert about an upcoming discount is likely to grab their attention.

Through the specific tags you place through your website, your Google Ads account should note the action and show the relevant ad as a result. It’s a highly effective way to personalise your ad campaigns.

4. Focus on cart abandoners

There are endless reasons why someone might abandon their cart. They got distracted, weren’t yet ready to commit, or they saw the postage price and left.

Whatever the reason, this sub-group of customers is perhaps the most likely to return to buy your products. One method of remarketing to these customers is through a cart abandonment recovery email – of which 45% are opened.

However, you can also show the customer adverts of the products they didn’t buy or advertise an upcoming discount that might tempt them back. That’s a superb way to boost sales!

5. Upsell to prior customers

No group of consumers is as likely to purchase more products as previous customers. After all, they have done it once before. That’s not to say you shouldn’t advertise smartly.

Consider how you’re remarketing to your loyal customer base. There’s no use informing them about your brand; they’re already familiar with it. However, advertising specific products that complement their prior purchase is a smart way to convert them again. For example, if they purchase a camera, you can advertise a camera stand, a specific lens, or even digital photo editing software.

Remarketing on the display network

You can team your RSLA ads up with a supporting remarketing campaign on the display network. Want to know more about how to do this? Read this article below:

what is remarketing

Remarketing is one of the most lucrative marketing strategies

Following up on a customer’s interest yields impressive results. Where most marketing campaigns boast success in the single digits, RSLA campaigns can see your conversion rate increase by over a hundred per cent.

Want to know more about how to get the most from your RSLA campaigns – then get in touch today!
