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Have you tried to create a Google Ad campaign and then attempted to manage it in-house? Many businesses do an alright job doing it themselves, but you may be failing without even realising it.

It’s not about being able to open up an account, add some keywords and create a couple of adverts. Google Ads is an artform – a craft that takes years of experience to understand and master.

Google tries to make Google Ads as straightforward and simple to use as possible. But the truth is, it’s just not! It can be very easy to make mistakes and create an account that wastes your money.

If you create a campaign with flaws in it, Google will penalise you where it hurts the most – your pocket. Either through wasted clicks or through increased cost per clicks.

So why should you outsource your Google Ads?

  • Google Ads are very complicated to create, run and manage
  • Creating and managing a Google Ad campaign that gives you an ROI can take a lot of time
  • Google Ads can be very expensive to run, and it’s easy to miss out on achieving an ROI if you don’t know what you’re doing

Google Ads are something I’ve worked on since 2007. I’m Google Ad Certified and have worked on humungous accounts and teeny, tiny accounts. I spend my days in the Google Ad platform, and even I am learning new things all the time.

What can a Google Ads specialist do that I can’t do in-house?

This is a question I get asked a lot. It comes down to my almost 15 years of experience in using Google Ads. I’m able to very quickly go into an account and see what needs working on, and make the appropriate changes..

Some of the things to look at are:

Google Ad factors

  • Bid levels: Are your bids too low, causing you to miss out on opportunities, or are your bids too high – reducing your ROI?
  • CPC: Is your CPC rising? Do you know how to reduce it?
  • QS: Do you find that you’ve got low Quality Scores. Are you taking appropriate steps to improve this?
  • Relevance: How relevant is your campaign? Google LOVES relevance and will penalise accounts that don’t work towards it. I’m talking about Ad groups, keywords, ads, and landing pages. They must all be tightly related.
  • Ads: How effective are your ads? Are you taking advantage of all the opportunities available (such as site links, responsive ads etc). How many ads do you have in each ad group? Are you testing your ads on a continual basis?
  • Ad group tidiness: Are your Ad groups nice and tidy? Do you have irrelevant keywords in there? Do you have a lot of keywords that could be separated out into their own Ad group? Are you bidding on keywords that don’t receive any impressions?
  • Match types: What match types are you using? Have you experimented using different types?
  • Negative keywords: Do you have a strong negative keyword list? How is this managed? Are you receiving irrelevant clicks due to a poor negative keyword strategy?
  • Bounce rate: What is your landing page like? Do visitors leave straight away? How can we work towards getting visitors to stay on your site/download your content/get in touch?

These are a few of the things I’d be looking at when I start working on managing a new clients Google Ad campaign.

If there are things in this list that you’re not doing, or you’re not sure about, then it’s time to outsource your Google Ad campaigns to an expert (i.e. me!).

Time is of the essence

Businesses should focus on what they do best – selling your product/service and looking after your customers. Most of the time, managing your Google Ads campaigns generally isn’t at the top of your list. Yet the benefits of a well-run campaign can be huge.

A day of my time is generally worth about 3 days of an inexperienced Google Ad user. That’s because I’ve got ~15 years’ worth of Google Ad experience. That experience allows me to be much quicker at identifying what needs working on. It’s something that only time and experience can produce.

Next steps

Does any of the above apply to your company? If so, get in touch to talk about how I can build and manage an effective Google Ad campaign for your organisation. Call me on 023 8000 1800 or email
